We recently bought a bag of coffee that Per Nordby has been roasting for a long time, Kopakaki. With it’s new packaging Per Nordby has got one of the most beautifully designed coffee bags in Sweden, maybe Europe.

Kopakaki is a light roasted coffee from Rwanda. It’s very juicy and has a fine acidity of grape fruit. Even though Kopakaki has been out for a long time, we’ve never bought it on bag before. It makes a really fine cup on the v60, but as summer just arrived here in Sweden, we wanted a cold brew. We made a cold brew using the aeropress and we’ve only got one word for this coffee – wow!
How to brew a really good cold brew using the aeropress with Kopakaki. You’ll need:
- 60g hot water
- 80g cold water
- 60g ice
- 13g coffee
Grind the coffee and let it bloom together with the hot water for about 35 seconds. Add the cold water (the cold water will make the extraction stop, a tip we got from the 2012 World Aeropress Champion Charlene De Buysere). After a total time of 1:00 minute, press slowly over ice. Finish at 1:30.

Notice how sweet the coffee suddenly got, and how magnificent it is as cold brew.
The post Cold brew using the aeropress with Kopakaki. appeared first on Gothenburg Coffee.